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how to calculate BMI

Hello friends, today in this article I am going to tell you about BMI. What is BMI? And how to calculate it. And I’ll tell you with its formula. And will give you some examples of this as well. So that you can also remove your BMI comfortably. How to identify BMI in which category of BMI you come, to read all these, definitely read this article. And I am your friend Rajendra Singh and you are watching, official website, so let’s know.

What is BMI?

BMI means or full form body mass index. The way you measure the road in kilometers, and the liquid in liters. Just like how fit you are and how fit your body is, it shows your BMI. BMI is also a measure to check the fitness of your body. I hope you understand BMI.

how to calculate BMI
how to calculate BMI

how to calculate of BMI process.

Now we will tell you how BMI turns out.

  1. Measure your weight.First, you measure your body weight in kilograms. And note that data somewhere.
  2. Measure your height.After that you measure the height of your body in meters and also note that somewhere.
  3. Now use the formulaNow use this formula: BMI = Weight (Kg) / Height (Meter) x Height (Meter)
  4. Then calculate itWhatever figures it comes out will be your BMI. So let’s understand this with an example.
  5. Example 1:Ram weighs 54 kg. And the height is 1.62 meters. So let’s get Ram’s BMI with the help of the formula.
    BMI = Weight (Kg) / Height (Meter) x Height (Meter)
     54 / 1.62 * 1.62 = 20.57
    So Ram’s BMI is 20.57. Which is correct.
  6. Example 2:Rohit weighs 62 kg. And the height is 1.66 meters. So, with the help of the formula, Rohit’s BMI also comes out.
    BMI = Weight (Kg) / Height (Meter) x Height (Meter)
    62 / 1.66 * 1.66 = 22.49
    So Rohit’s BMI is 22.49. And it also feels right.

BMI calculator metric, (chart).

BELOW 16Malnutrition 2Digestive problems, weakness, stress, anxiety muscles breakdown
16 – 18.9 Malnutrition 1 (underweight) Digestive problems, weakness, stress, anxiety muscles breakdown
19 – 22.9NormalAll good
23 – 24.9OverweightFatigue, digestive problems, circulation problems
25 – 28.9Obesity Grade 1Diabetes, hypertension, Coronary disease,
joint pains, arthritis, fatty liver.
29 – 33.9 Obesity Grade 2 Diabetes, hypertension, Coronary disease,
joint pains, arthritis, fatty liver.
OVER 34 Obesity Grade 3 Diabetes, hypertension, Coronary disease,
joint pains, arthritis, fatty liver.

BMI formula in kg.

BMI calculate formula
BMI calculate formula

BMI = Weight (Kg) / Height (Meter) x Height (Meter)

BMI formula example.

josh weighs 67 kg. And the height is 1.64 meters. So let’s get josh BMI with the help of the formula.
BMI = Weight (Kg) / Height (Meter) x Height (Meter)
67 / 1.64 * 1.64 = 25
So josh BMI is 25. Which is correct.

Read in Hindi: BMI kaise nikale in hindi

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