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Disadvantages of jio Giga fiber

Hello friends, in this post today, we are going to tell you about the Disadvantages of jio Giga fiber, what is the loss of it, is it right to buy it or money, then let’s know that the loss of Jio Giga fiber and my name Hey Rajendra Singh and I am from Uttarakhand and you are watching

Read: Advantages of jio Giga fiber

Disadvantages of jio Giga fiber

Today we are going to tell you 6 major disadvantages of jio Giga fiber, which is like this.

  1. Expensive recharge
  2. It uses optical fiber cable
  3. High power consumption
  4. Higher maintenance and repair costs
  5. Can’t use outside home
  6. Out of budget for poor people
disadvantages of jio Giga fiber
disadvantages of jio Giga fiber

Expensive recharge

If you want to use live Giga fiber, then know its value before buying it. And also know about its plan, how much you will have to recharge every month after taking it. You should already know about all these. Otherwise, you might not have to regret later

It uses optical fiber cable

Friends, Jio Giga Fiber is a way to access the Internet. If you do not know about Giga Fiber, then let me tell you that (Giga) is a unit to measure Internet speed. And (fiber) is a type of optical cable. And with the help of optical fiber cable, internet reaches your home. Search the internet for more information.

High power consumption

Friends, if you are thinking of applying jio Giga fiber in your house, then before knowing that, using it will also increase your electricity bill. Because it is a device and no device can run without any power source. And when you use it, it will use your home’s power source. And will use your electricity.

Higher maintenance and repair costs

So if you want to use Jio Giga fiber, then let me tell you that it costs a lot for maintenance and repair. And if there is any problem in your Giga fiber or if there is any problem in the optical fiber cable it contains, then you may find it very expensive.

Can’t use outside home

The biggest disadvantage of two Giga fiber is that you cannot use it outside your home. Only you will be able to use it in your home. This is its biggest disadvantages

Out of budget for poor people

Jio Giga fiber is a bit expensive which poor people will not be able to buy and those people will not be able to take advantage of this Giga fiber of Jio. And they will be left behind, in the case of the Internet. Because its price is out of poor budget.

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